A Family of prayer and thanksgiving

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ ...
Ephisians 1:3-14


One Love, One Aim One Faith;

One God Joyfully We Proclaim

Holy Family Festac the Parish of distinction;

Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the Source of Our Faith;

Come from the East, Come from the West, Come from the North and South;

One Love, One Aim, One Faith;

One God Joyfully we Proclaim!

Our history

The first Community service was without a priest and 150 persons were in attendance; it was held at the Festac Post Office Venue.

History has it that the current location called Festac Town was developed by the Federal Government of Nigeria to host the 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) which was held in 1977. 

Holy Family Priests and Sisters

The labours and fruits of the little gathering of a few enthusiast Catholics about four (4) decades ago is currently being enjoyed as a great parish – Holy Family Catholic Church. The Journey has been long and tough but the results have been fulfilling.

Our parish is blessed with many young men and women who have answered the call of consecrated life and are graced with the sacrament of the Holy Order. Holy Family has always been interested in the vocations of our youths. Please pray for them!

Holy Family Parish has been blessed with great men of God who have steered the pastoral and administrative ship of the parish to the admirable and amiable heights. We thank God for them all.

The link below takes you to the list of past parish priests and their associates who have contributed immensely to the growth and development of the parish as well as the spiritual upliftment of the parishioners.