We wish to encourage us to continue to soar on the wings of Grace this 2022 by:
- Attending masses regularly.
- Reading the Word of God daily.
- Spending time in prayer and adoration daily.
- Join a society and get involved in the Church Activities.
- Get a Mass Journal and write something from the homily every Sunday.
- Grow in the knowledge of the Faith and Church Doctrines.
May God continue to bless us all!!! Amen
- STEWARDSHIP: To encourage participation and commitment in the activities of the Parish, Stewardship Commitment forms were distributed at all the masses. Unfortunately, the turn-over of these forms were low. This is a special call to every parishioner to kindly return the filled forms indicating areas of fresh commitment to the affairs of the church. Submission can be done at the bulletin stand on Sundays and at the Parish Office on weekdays.
- POWER CONSUMPTION: Due to the rising cost of diesel, we wish to inform our beloved parishioners that we may have to make some adjustments to our use of the generator in the Church. Kindly bear with us
- SECURITY ALERT: We wish to call our attention to the increase in the level of insecurity especially before the 6am mass. Extra measures have been taken around the Church and Event Center. Parishioners should endeavour to be more conscious on their way to masses. May the Lord protect us from every evil. Amen.
- At the expiration of the 28th February 2022 deadline and 24 hours grace period given to Societies and Organizations the following groups failed to submit their year 2021 Financial Report.
In line with the resolution of the Parish Pastoral Council, all the above listed groups are hereby suspended from holding meetings/programmes in the Parish pending the joint meeting of the Pastoral Team and the executives of the affected societies. The affected leaders should take note and await the invitation for the proposed joint session.
- S.C.C. AWARENESS: The month of March is specially dedicated to the Small Christian Communities in the Parish. Let us all endeavour to join the nearest SCCs closest to our homes.
- SPECIAL BLESSING FOR THE MONTH: Today is the Last Sunday of the month. There shall be special thanksgiving for those born in the month of March and those who had wedding anniversaries or any special celebration during this month.
- PARISH LENTEN RETREAT: Our Parish Lenten Retreat today, March 27th to April 2nd, 2022. Theme: “COME LET US RETURN TO THE LORD (Hos. 6:1)”. Let us all prepare to participate actively. There shall be daily masses, confession, counselling, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament etc. Time: 5:30pm daily.
- SYNOD 2023: Parishioners are reminded to kindly answer the Synod questions and drop in the Synod Suggestion Box in front of the Church.
- 2022 JDPC LENTEN CAMPAIGN: Today, is our annual JDPC Lenten Campaign at all masses. Let us prepare to support the collective work for social justice in our country.
- HARVEST 2021: The Harvest of Testimony 2021 committee is winding down her accounts. We wish to appeal to all those yet to redeem their pledges to do so as soon as possible for proper accounting. Kindly redeem to the Harvest account: Zenith Bank- 1014506326, Holy Family Catholic Church, Festac.
- LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR: Our Parish Life in the Spirit Seminar comes up next month, 24th April, 2022. Let us all prepare to participate actively and deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Registrations can be done either at the Laity Office or the Parish Office.
- ACIES CEREMONY: The Acies Ceremony of the Legion of Mary comes up today at the Pope John Paul II Hall by 1pm. Active and auxiliary legionaries should please take note and be in attendance.
- SUPPORT FOR CHRISM MASS: Parishioners who wish to make a donation towards the support of the Chrism Mass holding at Festac should kindly contact any of the Priests or the Parish Office.
- HOLY WEEK BROCHURE: There shall be a special Bulletin/Brochure for the Holy Week and Easter period from April 10th to April 30th, 2022.
- MOTHER\’S DAY CELEBRATION: The Mother\’s Day Celebration comes up on Sunday, 24th April 2022. In preparation for this celebration, there will be a 3-Day program for all mothers in the parish from 22nd to 24tth April 2022. The 3-Day Programmes are as follows:
Day 1: Fri., 22nd April 2022– Woman, Beautiful Handmaid of God (Lk 1:26-38)
Day 2: Tues., 23rd April 2022– Skill acquisition: (Makeup, Gele-tying, Production, Shoe Polish etc)
Day 3: Sun., 24th April 2022– Thanksgiving and Mother’s Day celebration (Fashion Parade and Dance competition).
All women are expected to be active in this program. We appeal to every woman in the church to pay a levy sum of N1000 to make this day a memorable one.
- PARISH OFFICE: The priests will not be available at the office during Holy week except for emergency cases. The Parish Office will however be open. It shall close for the Easter break on Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 to reopen on Monday, April 25th, 2022. Mass bookings shall be available after each morning mass at the sacristy.
- CONFESSIONS: There shall be no confessions during the Holy Week and Easter Octave. Confessions shall resume on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022.
- STATIONS OF THE CROSS: There shall be Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12noon and 5:30pm (Main Church only). Booklets are available at the Bookshop for ₦200 only. Note: There will be no SCC meetings during this period of Lent because of the Stations of the Cross.
- PARISH BULLETIN: Due to the high cost of production, we want to inform all parishioners that henceforth our Parish Weekly Bulletin Publications will be sold for the price rate of ₦100.
- PASSION OF CHRIST: This is to inform all parishioners that the Passion of Christ Drama Rehearsals are ongoing and there are vacancies for Cast and Crew. Interested persons should please meet us downstairs, in front of the Generator House by the exit gate immediately after the Mass.
- CLEANING OF THE CHURCH: We hereby urge all parishioners to imbibe proper maintenance culture as relating to keeping the church and its premises clean always. As we encourage all parishioners to use the waste bins rather than litter the church with dirt, we also appreciate those parishioners who have been helping in sweeping and keeping the church compound clean. As we keep the House of God clean, may God keep us clean from sin and free us from all evil. Amen.
- CATECHESIS ANNOUNCEMENT: Dear Parishioners, this is to inform you that registration of our children for the 2022/2024 Session of the Easter Sacrament will commence as follows: Date: 5th March – 30th April 2022. Time: 3:30 pm on Saturdays Only. Classes for Registration: Baptism, First Holy Communion and RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) only. For more enquires please call: 08159200545.
- CALL TO BE A CATECHIST:(Are you a faith-filled person who cares about young people? Do you recognize your baptismal call to share your gifts in service to others? Are you open to the challenge of learning about your faith?) The Catechist Association of the Parish kindly calls on all parishioners who are eager to share their faith with others to please register on Saturdays (3pm) and Sundays (3:30pm) at the Catechist Resource Center or call: 081592005450
- INFO-TECH SERVICES: Holy Family Info-Tech Services is pleased to inform all parishioners that Computer Classes have resumed fully with ALL Programs such as: ICT Essentials, Desktop Publishing; Graphics Design; Web-Design; Computer Engineering; Coding etc. All interested parishioner should visit the ICT Centre at the CYON wing of the parish. For more information please call: 08035343025, 08162195710.
Don’t keep your kids at home, keep them busy!!!
- HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PARISH LIBRARY: We are pleased to inform you that the Anthony Cardinal Okogie Reference (Parish) Library located beside the Anthony Cardinal Okojie Lower Hall is here to serve you better. At very affordable prices, we offer the following services: Photocopying, Lamination, Binding, Spiral Binding, Typing, Printing, Colored Photocopy etc. We also offer a vast range of books ranging from Literature to Accounting to Economics and a lot more. Working Hours: Mondays to Fridays. Time: 9am- 4pm. God bless you as you patronize us. For further enquiries on how to use to library or any of its services, please call: 09036389533 or 08169228063 (Ms. Chinwe).
- (1%) ONE PERCENT BIBLE CHALLENGE: We wish to encourage all Parishioners to read and study the word of God for at least 15minutes every day; which is about 1% of 24 hours. We are continuing with 1st Letter of Corinthians for this week. Take up this challenge faithfully as stated below and be enriched spiritually.
Day/Month | Bible Passages | |
28 March | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 3 |
29 March | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 4 |
30 March | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 5 |
31 March | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 6 |
1 April | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 7 |
2 April | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 8 |
3 April | 1st Corinthians | Chapter 9 |
- RETURN TO THE SACRAMENTS: We wish to encourage those who have been estranged from the sacraments for one reason or the other especially the Holy Eucharist, to return to the Sacraments. Kindly meet any of the Priests if you are having any difficulty in this regard. May Christ grant us life through His Body and Blood. Amen.
CYON THEME: Mary arose and went with haste (Lk. 1:39)
Sub-Theme: “Feed my sheep” (Jn. 21:15-17)
1) HOLY FAMILY YOUTH FELLOWSHIP: This holds every Friday at 6:30pm, kindly contact our WhatsApp hotline to be carried along (08163732315). For God and for youths…. Through christ!!