Parish Announcements – 29th May, 2022



We wish to encourage us to continue to soar on the wings of Grace this 2022 by:

  • Attending masses regularly.
  • Reading the Word of God daily.
  • Spending time in prayer and adoration daily.
  • Join a society and get involved in the Church Activities.
  • Get a Mass Journal and write something from the homily every Sunday.
  • Grow in the knowledge of the Faith and Church Doctrines.

May God continue to bless us all!!! Amen

  1. STEWARDSHIP: To encourage participation and commitment in the activities of the Parish, Stewardship Commitment forms were distributed at all the masses. Unfortunately, the turn-over of these forms were low. This is a special call to every parishioner to kindly return the filled forms indicating areas of fresh commitment to the affairs of the church. Submission can be done at the bulletin stand on Sundays and at the Parish Office on weekdays.
  1. POWER CONSUMPTION: Due to the rising cost of diesel, we wish to inform our beloved parishioners that we may have to make some adjustments to our use of the generator in the Church. Kindly bear with us
  1. SECURITY ALERT: We wish to call our attention to the increase in the level of insecurity especially before the 6am mass. Extra measures have been taken around the Church and Event Center. Parishioners should endeavour to be more conscious on their way to masses. May the Lord protect us from every evil. Amen.

          ……………..PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS……………………

  1. SPECIAL BLESSING FOR THE MONTH: Today is the Last Sunday of the month. There shall be a special thanksgiving for those born in the month of May and those who had wedding anniversaries or any special celebration during this month.
  1. 2022 WORLD COMMUNICATIONS WEEK: Today is World Communications Day with the theme; “LISTENING WITH THE EAR OF THE HEART”. Let us endeavour to listen to God and one another in the Church.
  1. PENTECOST NOVENA: Our Parish Pentecost Novena is ongoing and will end June 4th, 2022. There have been spirit-filled activities everyday beginning with the 6:30pm mass. It is the oldest novena in the history of the Church, and we are all expected to participate actively. Below are the topics for each day:

27th, Fri., –      Come Unto Me All Ye That Labour and are Heavy Burdened (Matt. 11:28)

28th, Sat., –      You are not Alone (John 14:15-16)

29th, Sun., –      Watch and Pray (Luke 22:46)

30th, Mon., –   Then came Jesus (Mark 6:47-51)

31st, Tues., –    Break Camp and Advance (Deuteronomy 1:7)

1st, Wed., –      My Presence will go with you (Exodus 33:14 – 19)

2nd, Thurs., –  You can do all things (John 15:1-7) 

3rd, Fri., –        You are the Apple of my Eyes (Isaiah 43:1-5)

4th, Sat., –        The Anointing that Breaks the Yoke (Isaiah 10:27)

5th, Sun., –       Rushing like the Mighty Wind (Acts 1:3)

Please note that due to the novena, there shall be no SCC meetings/mass this week.                      

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us!!

  1. CHILDREN’S DAY CELEBRATION: Our Parish Children’s Day Celebrations continues today. It shall begin with the holy mass by 10am. Let us ensure our children participate actively.
  1. LAITY COLLECTION: Today being the Fifth Sunday of the month, our Second Collection shall be in support of the Laity Council. Let us all donate generously.
  1. FEAST OF THE VISITATION: Tuesday, 31st May 2022 is the feast of the visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. It also marks the end of the May Devotion. There shall be a Candlelight Rosary Procession by 5:00pm. Let us endeavour to be there
  1. PENTECOST SUNDAY: Next week Sunday, 5th June 2022 is Pentecost Sunday, the Descent of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. Let us pray for a spiritual renewal for ourselves and our Church.
  1. PARISH PROGRAM: Beginning from the month of June, we shall resume the following programs:

Tuesdays:          Blessing of Holy Water & Sacramentals at the 6:30pm mass.

Thursdays:        Blessing of Expectant Mothers and those seeking the Fruit of the womb at the 6:30pm mass.

Fridays:             Explosion of the Blessed Sacrament after Morning and Midday masses.

Let us take note and participate actively.

  1. ADORATION MONTH: The Month of June is a special month dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. Every family is encouraged to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and pray for their special intentions.
  1. PLEDGE REDEMPTIONS: We wish to thank our dear parishioners for their sincere efforts in redeeming pledges made. We also use this medium to kindly appeal to all who are yet to redeem any outstanding pledge(s) for Harvest or Church Building to please do so at the Parish Office (Weekdays), the Harvest Booth opposite the Bookshop (Sundays) or pay directly to HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, FESTAC- Zenith Bank: 1014506326. May God bless us all for our generosity.
  1. DONATE A PEW: We wish to express our deepest appreciation to all our parishioners for your generosity at last week’s “Donate a Pew Project Launch for our New Church Building”. May God bless us all abundantly. Further donations and pledge redemption can be done to the account- Holy Family Catholic Church, Zenith 1011876127, at the Parish Office or at the Booth opposite the Parish Bookshop.
  1. CYON TEEN CAMP 2022: Register your teenagers for the second edition of Camp Sinai holding from 24th July to 30th July at Saint Gregory’s College, Ikoyi, Lagos. The camp is for baptized teenagers and will include daily Masses, tech training, vocational activities, classes, Benediction & Holy Rosary, sports and games, etc. Teen coaches, experts, priests and religious shall monitor all activities throughout the camp. Registration is on-going at the parish office while the camp tuition fee is only ₦20,000. You can pay to First Bank account: Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria Holy Family – 3079617777. You can also sponsor teenagers to attend the camp. Discount of ₦10,000 exists for families and friends who register 3 participants together. That means you pay ₦50,000 instead of ₦60,000 for 3 people. This offer lasts till the end of May. Registration ends on Sunday, June 19th 2022.
    Camp Sinai… explore, discover, invent!
  1. TITHE SUNDAY: Next Sunday is Tithe Sunday, those who wish to pay their tithes should pick up an envelope for use next week.  You can also make your transfers to our Fidelity Bank 5080032193 in favour of Holy Family Catholic Church, Festac.
  1. ALTAR BREAD AND ALTAR WINE: Due to increment in the purchase of Altar Bread and Altar Wine, the cost of Altar Bread and Wine for thanksgiving shall be sold for: Altar Bread- ₦1,500 (per Pack); Altar Wine- ₦3,000 (per Bottle) & ₦35,000 (a Carton). Payments and enquiries can be done at the Parish Office.
  1. FIRST FRIDAY COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND HOME-BOUND: The First Friday visit and communion to the sick and home-bound comes up this Friday, June 3rd, 2022.
  1. FIRST SATURDAY: The First Saturday Marian Devotion and Rosary Procession comes up this Saturday, June 4th, 2022. After the 6:30am Mass.
  1. P.V.C REGISTRATION: Parishioners are advised to exercise their civic obligation by obtaining their Permanent Voters Card (PVC) for the forthcoming General Elections in 2023. Registration is for youths from 18 years and above, those that have misplaced their PVC and those on transfer to Lagos. Ad-hoc, INEC works will be here in our Parish on Sunday, 29th May 2022 to register the interested parishioners after every mass. 31st May 2022 is the closing date for registration. Please note that your PVC is your power and right to vote.
  1. CHARITY/LOVE BOWL: We wish to remind our parishioners to return their Lenten Charity/ Love bowls to St Vincent de Paul Society. Let us endeavor to be committed. Remember; “whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me”.
  1. HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PARISH LIBRARY: We are pleased to inform you that the Anthony Cardinal Okogie Reference (Parish) Library located beside the Anthony Cardinal Okojie Lower Hall is here to serve you better. At very affordable prices, we offer the following services: Photocopying, Lamination, Binding, Spiral Binding, Typing, Printing, Colored Photocopy etc. We also offer a vast range of books ranging from Literature to Accounting to Economics and a lot more. Working Hours: Mondays to Fridays. Time: 9am- 4pm. God bless you as you patronize us. For further enquiries on how to use to library or any of its services, please call: 09036389533 or 08169228063 (Ms. Chinwe).
  1. We wish to encourage all Parishioners to read and study the word of God for at least 15minutes every day; which is about 1% of 24 hours. We are continuing with Philippians and Colossians. Take up this challenge faithfully as stated below and be enriched spiritually.
Day/Month Bible Passages
30 May Philippians Chapter  2
31 May Philippians Chapter  3
1 June Philippians Chapter  4
2 June Colossians Chapter  1
3 June Colossians Chapter  2
4 June Colossians Chapter  3
5 June Colossians Chapter  4
  1. RETURN TO THE SACRAMENTS: We wish to encourage those who have been estranged from the sacraments for one reason or the other especially the Holy Eucharist, to return to the Sacraments. Kindly meet any of the Priests if you are having any difficulty in this regard. May Christ grant us life through His Body and Blood. Amen.

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