Dearly, beloved children of God, with gratitude to God for the many blessings, I welcome you all to the month of June, the sixth month. We are all truly grateful to God for His mercies in the past month in which we rounded off our Parish Rededication First Anniversary and also hosted the Regional Pentecost Confirmation Ceremonies. May the name of the Lord be praised both now and forever.
The month of June is traditionally devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, and it is fitting that the first Sunday of the month is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus et sanguinis Christi) and also the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the symbol of Christ’s love for humanity (7th June). The month also holds the solemnities of the great saints, St. John the Baptist (24th) and Sts. Peter and Paul (29th). Let us endeavor to celebrate the solemnities with great devotion.

As a parish community, we shall celebrate the month with our 40-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to recommit ourselves as individuals, families and a parish. Let us also return to the sacrament and encourage our brothers and sisters to take the necessary steps to remove any obstacles to frequent confession and Holy Communion.
During our Anniversary Parish Forum, on Sunday, 28th April, 2024 we also unveiled our Parish Pastoral Plan for the next 3 years based on the Five Practices of a Fruitful Congregation, as adapted from Bishop Robert Schnase. They are as follows:
- Radical Hospitality
- Passionate Worship and Liturgy
- Intentional Faith Formation
- Risk-Taking Mission & Service
- Extravagant Generosity
We hope to elaborate on these practices in subsequent Parish Fora and Leadership Seminars. The other issues at the Parish Forum will also be published in the bulletin. Let us all endeavor to join in these practices, as a Parish Community that is called to be fruitful. We call on all leaders of organizations and societies to also help us spread the word.
This month is also our PARISH HARVEST kick off with the inauguration of the Harvest Planning Committee anchored by the Catholic Women Organization. We call on all parishioners to kindly support this year’s harvest programme and activities as outlined by the committee.
This month, let us specially remember our Chief Shepherd, His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Alfred Martins as he turns 65 on Saturday, 1st June and our Archbishop Emeritus, Anthony Cardinal Okogie as he turns 88 on Sunday, 16th June. May God bless them and renew their anointing as they shepherd His flock in Lagos and beyond.
We congratulate all those whose birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions fall within this month of June. May God’s blessings be upon each of us in this Parish and may the Spirit of the Lord always be upon us. May this month bring us abundant blessings in our homes, our work, our parish and our country, Nigeria. Amen.
Holy Family!! Make our Families like yours!!!
Rev. Fr. Melvis Mayaki