Archbishop\’s Desk – 1st May, 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord:


1. Archdiocesan Lay Leaders’ Spiritual/Pastoral Formation Seminar: The seminar for Lay Leaders in the Archdiocesan and Deanery Executives of Laity Council and Lay Organizations/ Societies/ Associations comes up as follows:

Date: Saturday, 21st May, 2022
Venue: Christ the King Catholic Church, Akowonjo
Theme: “Visionary Leadership in times of Global Crises”- Keynote address by His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Alfred Adewale Martins
Subtopics: i. As the Father has sent me so I send you (Jn. 20:21)
ii. Delegation: An indispensable tool for contemporary leaders.
Fee: N3,000.00 per delegate.

No of Delegates: As contained in the letter written to Deanery Laity Councils and Lay Organizations/ societies/ Associations.

Note: i. Deadline for payment is Friday, 29th April, 2022
ii. Pay at the Lay Apostolate Centre or Deposit into Fidelity Bank: Account Name: Catholic Lay Apostolate Centre Account No: 4110028140
iii. Payment after 29th April, 2022 attracts N500.00 per delegate
Kindly call 08026156606 or 08077003036 for more information. Thanks for your cooperation.

2. Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria (CYON) Directorate: CYON Annual Retreat 2022 for the Lagos Ecclesiastical Province will take place at the Saint Abbe Louis Ville Retreat Centre in Ijebu-Itelle, Ogun State from 29th April to 1st May, 2022. Delegates are to come from Lagos Archdiocese, Abeokuta, and Ijebu-Ode Dioceses. All deaneries are expected to send at least 2 delegates as part of the members from Lagos Archdiocese. The fee per delegate is N6,000 while the theme for the retreat is: Mary arose and went with haste (Luke 1:39).
Archdiocesan CYON General Elections: This comes up on the 4th of June, 2022. Venue: Festac Deanery, beginning with Mass at 10am. For more information, please reach the Electoral Committee on Screening of candidates: Sunday, April 3rd, 2022

3. World Communications Week, 2022: This year’s celebration will begin on Sunday May 22nd, 2022 and end on Sunday May 28th, 2022. All Parishes are expected to key into this week-long event by organizing seminars bothering on the following sub-themes:

Day 1- Listening together for Spirit-Guided Decisions

Day 2- Building Faith through Listening

Day 3- Listening to God in times of Suffering and Sorrow

Day 4- Listening in unwelcoming cultures

Day 5- Patient Listening and Witnessing 

Day 6- Listening brings Confidence

Day 7- Listening for Encouragement (Insightful listening) Special Media Programme for Youths on the topic: Effects of Social Media on Youths in Nigeria

Day 8- Listening brings Unity (Communications collection at al Masses).

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