Parish Announcement – 7th August, 2022


  1. MASS TIME: Due to the state of insecurity in the country and after due consultation, we wish to announce that henceforth our 6am Sunday mass at the Parish and the Event Center will now begin at “6:15am”. All other masses remain at the same time. Thanks for your understanding.
  1. PARISH SECURITY UNIT TIPS: In line with the growing rate of insecurity in our nation, let us take note of the following:

i. Parishioners who come to church with their vehicles, especially on Sundays are hereby requested to comply with the directives from the parish traffic warden when they want to park their vehicles. This is to ensure orderliness and safety of the vehicles.

ii. Vehicles during weddings should drop off couples inside the compound and park outside and their booths must be thoroughly searched before entry in the compound.

iii. Parishioners should not carry big bags to the Church premises. All bags are to be thoroughly searched at the entrance before entering the church. And so, if you must come with a bag(s) it should be transparent.

iv. Parishioners are to submit themselves for scanning and searching by the security personnel at the Church gates.

v. Everyone must be security conscious and alert; parishioners should cooperate with the security personnel in the church and should always report any suspicious move or activity within the church premises to them.

vi. As much as possible do not display very flashy and expensive bags and items within the church premises or inside parked vehicles as they could attract criminals.

vii. Do not leave any of your valuables on your seat while going to the altar or during offertory.

viii. Parishioners should endeavor to install security devices in their vehicles in order to forestall any form of theft or vandalization.

ix. Be security conscious and be your brother’s & sister’s keeper.

Kindly cooperate with the security personnel(s) of the parish accordingly. May the Lord protect us from every evil. Amen.

          ……………..PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS……………………

  1. TITHE SUNDAY: Today, the first Sunday of the month is Tithe Sunday, there shall be a special blessing before the Second Collection. You can also make your transfers to our Fidelity Bank 5080032193 in favour of Holy Family Catholic Church, Festac.
  1. FEAST DAY: Wednesday, 10th August 2022is the Feast of St. Lawrence, we are all encouraged to attend mass and observe the feast devoutly.
  1. SEMINARIAN: We welcome our seminarian, Mr. Augustine Anyanwu to our parish for his six-month Pastoral apostolate. We wish him a fulfilling stay here at Holy Family.
  1. KNOW YOUR FAITH: This Saturday, August 13th, 2022, we shall have our Parish Monthly Know Your Faith/ Doctrinal Class during the 6:30am Mass. All Parishioners are encouraged to be in attendance so as to grow in the faith.
  1. SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY (SCC): SCC meetings will take place at the various community centers this Wednesday, 10th August 2022 at 6pm. Scriptural reading: Luke 12:49-53. Please note that there will be no evening Mass or Society meetings during the SCC time. Kindly check the Parish notice board for the various centers. There shall be mass this Wednesday at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception SCC. Venue: 4th Avenue, 40/41 Road, House 19B, Festac Town. All those living around should be in attendance.
  1. 2022 HOLIDAY LESSON: Our annual Parish holiday lesson is here again!! This year’s holiday lessons comes with great innovations ranging from Skill Acquisition, Talent Hunt/Music Training, Guidance & Counselling, Academic Work etc. Duration: 1st August – 26th August 2022 (4 Weeks). Lesson Fee: ₦3,000 (Primary) & ₦5,000 (Secondary). Register your child/ward for excellence in academic and professional skills. Forms can be obtained at the Parish Office or Laity Office for ₦500 only.
    Go Forth ………… and Teach the Nations
  1. DONATE A PEW: We wish to express our deepest appreciation to all our parishioners for your generosity towards our “Donate a Pew Project Launch for our New Church Building”. May God bless you all abundantly. Further donations and pledge redemption can be done to the account- Holy Family Catholic Church, Zenith 1011876127, at the Parish Office or at the Booth opposite the Parish Bookshop.
  1. ORGANIZATIONS MEETING: Next week Sunday, 14th August 2022, is the Monthly General Meetings of the CWO and CMO (after the 10.00am Mass), and CYON (after the 8:00am Mass). Let us all ensure we attend our respective organizations as it promises to be brief.
  1. ADMISSION: Admission into Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Model School, Festac for the 2022/2023 Academic Session is ongoing. Application form(s) is available in the school for purchase. For more enquiries: 08094503999, 07018811347, 08162746240.
  1. We wish to encourage all Parishioners to read and study the word of God for at least 15minutes every day; which is about 1% of 24 hours. For this week, we shall be continuing with the Second Letter of St. John. Take up this challenge faithfully as stated below and be enriched spiritually.

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